Jenney Journal, part 13

Jeanne reported in to me in the morning. Around 7:30am the neurologist came in and said Jenney was doing better than he anticipated with the drain clamped. One more day and then it most likely can come out. Woohoo! He said he was meeting with oncology and OB the following day to discuss next steps. Jenney still had a small headache and double vision from the trauma of the migraines, but she was doing better than expected as he didn’t think her body was going to tolerate the drain being clamped yet.

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Jenney Journal, part 12

Feeling gratitude and not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it.
— William Arthur Ward

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Jenney Journal, part 11

Jenney awoke at 2:30am with a headache. Tylenol, then tried to get back to sleep. At 5:42 she still had a headache and asked for more meds. She got her typical meds and some more Tylenol at 5:55.

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Jenney Journal, part 10

Sunday Jeanne messaged me to tell us Jenney woke up feeling pretty well. She’d gotten at least some sleep, and felt at least marginally better. The doctor came in around 7:15am while she was eating breakfast and said it would be ok to take more of the IV’s out (she had like three of them in) and didn’t need to be monitored as much for blood pressure (which was every hour so far). He said they would attempt to close the drain on Tuesday and see how she did.

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Jenney Journal, part 9

Saturday morning the Dr came to see us with a message of hope. The CT scan showed that Jenney’s chest, abdomen, liver, bones, and lungs look good. They did find some subcutaneous nodules on her left shoulder and flank under the skin, above the muscle, which would be easy to biopsy with some local anesthesia to check and be sure. If these were benign, they saw no reason why we would need to do any chemical treatment, which also means she should be able to carry the baby to full term.

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