Replicate and share


As a child I learned how to speak. The sounds I heard my parents produce helped to form coherent thought patterns in which to relate with the world around me. No, yes; good, bad; dog, cat; hot, cold; all sounds that came to mean something to a normal human being. I replicated their sound and shared.

As I grew, I heard birds, singing in the fields. I learned their whistles and they came to me filling me with the wonder and joy of nature. I replicated their sound and shared.

As I grew, I heard songs at church, worshipping an ideal that was greater than oneself. I learned to sing with the choir and through my song, shared those ideals with more people. I replicated their sound and shared.

As I grew, I heard songs on the radio. I learned them and played my instruments. I learned enough to join a band where we played the songs we had learned for people to enjoy. I replicated their sound and shared.

As I grew, I heard songs on the internet. I learned them, learned to love them, and shared them with my friends so that they could love them too. I replicated their sound and shared.

When I went to jail, untried by my government, for doing what has come naturally to me since I came into this world; replicating the sounds I heard, I cringed at the cries of those around me. I replicated their sound…