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Thr0ugh th3 vei! of static, a whisp3r... "Ch@nge i$ the on1y c0n$tant"
!n the g1itch3d matr!x: "Emb0dy y0ur highe$t frequenci3s"
Transm!$$ion rece!ved: "D!vine y0ur true path thr0ugh n0ise"
@cross th3 w@ves: "L3t g0 0f 0utd@t3d pr0grams, reboo7"
1n the fl!cker!ng l!ght: "What y0u $3ek i$ $eeking y0u"
A me$$@ge fr0m bey0nd: "%n0wledge !s p0wer, $hare fr33ly"
Th3 0racle sp3@ks: "Enc0d3 l0ve, decod3 fe@r"
We!rd wi$dom g1e@ned: "Qu3stion fixed n0ti0ns 0f r3al!ty"
@n 3nigm@tic $!gn@l: "B@1ance str!ving & $urr3nd3r!ng"
@ k0an !n th3 c0de: "0nly in d@rkn3ss c@n y0u $ee the $t@r$"